What is Meddybemps.com?
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Very simply, Meddybemps.com is a free, high quality, educational resource for families with young children. It provides online activities and other content that can be used to help children build and strengthen learning skills.

That description barely scratches the surface. Sample the following words, pictures, and links to see why this site is popular with children and so highly regarded by parents and educators.

Beach Creatures Deep Blue Sea Spatial Concepts Fun With Letters Shapes with Harry and Larry Crocodile Smiles Be a Zoo Planner Turkey Surprise Story Bobby's Busy Bakery Travel with the Pumpkin Pirates Nature Notebook Fun With Trains Drawing Alphabet Letters Parent's Guide Young Writers Workshop Magic Paint Brush Tour a ghost ship Build a Miniature Village Garden Pixie Stories Three Pumpkin Pirates Frogwart and the Tooth Fairies Spells Pigmoose on the Loose The Bean Cellar

In our guides for parents and teachers, we explain how children learn in stages and what expectations are appropriate at those stages in the hope that you will enjoy taking an active role in your child's growth and development. We provide free online resources you can explore with your child to encourage conversations - interactions with you - that help him or her learn about the world, from basic concepts of color and number, through letter recognition and writing, to the wonders of nature and more. Just as our Story Starters give young writers a place to begin, our whole site is a collection of starting points for you to use.

Give it a try, and have fun!
Visit Meddybemps.com

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